Welcome to our 2023-24 School Year! Here is a handy reminder about our drop off and pick up procedures.
K-8 starts school daily at 8:15am and ends at 3:00pm, except Wednesday early dismissal is at 2:00pm. Parents may drop off their children between 8:00am and 8:15am, either through the carline drop off, or by walking the children onto campus. Pick up on the blacktop is between 3:00-3:15pm (Wednesday early dismissal pick up is 2:00-2:15pm).
If a child is late for school, they will need to check in with the front office for a tardy slip.
If a child is picked up after the designated pick up time, they will be signed into LionsGate childcare where the parent will be billed $3.20 per quarter hour (any portion). Please contact the school if you are running late.
Every Wednesday, K-8 will be dismissed early at 2pm. This is to accommodate our weekly faculty meetings. Please arrange your pickups accordingly, or register with Lionsgate Child Care.