Our Bethany students have been enjoying our robust STEAM program at Bethany this semester.
Pi Day
On Pi Day each of our classrooms made a 100 link paper chain with their 100 digits from the number Pi which were then strung together and displayed in our courtyard. Our K-5 teachers dressed as scientists performed special science experiments with their students and parents working in the sciences came in and gave presentations about what they do for their jobs. And of course we had pie!
Science Camp
Our fifth and sixth graders enjoyed science camp at Thousand Pines. They spend their days learning about wilderness survival, orienteering, archery, rock climbing and zip lining. The slept in cabins and enjoyed campfires at night.
Our fourth graders went to a Gold Rush camp at Indian Hills They panned for gold, did archery, took on Gold Rush characters to use throughout their visit, and worked in teams to decide the best route to take to get to California. A special treat was that they got to sleep in covered wagons.
Science Fair
Bethany’s 6th, 7th and 8th graders all participated in our Science Fair. Each student followed the scientific method and did research to test their hypothesis. The Bethany Science Fair 2022 Champion was Sebastian Anghelina who won for his project “Can I Integrate an UltraViolet Light into a Light Switch?”
Our first place winners were: First place winners were 8th grader Micah Ising for his project “Does air pressure affect the amount of distance a ball travels when launched? 7th grader Sebastian Anghelina who was also our Science Fair Champion and 6th grader Danielle Choi for her project “How Many Balloons Are Needed to Lift a 100-Lb Kid?”
Our second place winners were 8th grader Madison White for her project “Does Lung Capacity affect how long you can hold your breath?” 7th grader Lucy Crabb for her project “Will Aspirin, Sugar, Or Salt Help Cut Flowers Survive Longer?” and 6th grader Lacey White for her project “How Does Music Affect a Dog's Heart Rate?”
Our third place winners were 8th grader Luca Youseffian for his project “What Metal Will Corrode the Most After Being Exposed to Water, Saltwater, and Air? 7th grade Nathaniel Bezhadi for his project “What Boat Design Can Hold the Most Weight?” and 6th grader Orlando Garcia for his project “Is it True That Phones are More Dirty Than Toilets?
All our winners will go on to compete in the district-wide ASCI Science Fair in May.