Congratulations to our 8th grade graduates! God bless you as you enter high school and don’t forget to come back and visit us! We won’t forget you!! #classof2023 #8thgradegraduation #bethanychristianschool #sierramadre
All school promotion day with special ceremonies for KG promotion and middle school promotion and our end of the year character awards. #promotionday #lastdayofschool #bethanychristianschool #sierramadre
What a fun field day! We went with plan B because of the rain and had such a fun time! #fieldday #rainydayplan #bethanychristianschool #sierramadre
What a fun day: Talent Show and Disney Day! #talentshow #disneyday #bethanychristianschool #sierramadre
A big thank you to The Only Place in Town for sending us the Handel’s Ice Cream Truck! We loved it! #theonlyplaceintown #handelssgv #icecream #sierrramadre #bethanychristianschool
Our 4th graders did an amazing job on the California projects - they each chose an aspect of California, researched it, and presented it to the whole school in a “museum”! #california #californiahistory #bethanychristianschool #sierramadre
Our 8th grade banquet was a celebration of all that our wonderful students are and will become! ❤️ #8thgrade #banquet #celebration #bethanychristianschool #sierramadre
Our second graders enjoyed a fun and educational field trip to the Aquarium of the Pacific this week! #aquariumofthepacific #marinelife #longbeach #bethanychristianschoolsierramadre
We enjoyed a minuet performance and a Liberty Tea put on by our 5th grade class who as part of their studies of US History. #minuet #libertytea #americanhistory #bethanychristianschool #sierramadre
¡Felicidades! Celebración de la Música was a fantastic elementary spring concert! #springconcert #cincodemayo #bethanychristianschool #sierramadre
Our middle school students are had a great time at Rawhide Ranch! #rawhideranch #archery #horsebackriding #camp #bethanychristianschool
Our 4th graders had a fantastic time at Indian Hills camp! #indianhills #goldrush #camp #bethanychristianschool
Bravo to our cast of Sound of Music! What a fantastic show! #soundofmusic #schoolmusical #bethanychristianschool #sierramadre
In March we hosted the ACSI Choral Festival. Thanks to our music director Mr Northrop for all his hard work organizing this event! It was a wonderful evening of choral music! #ascichoralfesitival #choralfestival #bethanychristianschool #sierramadre #choralmusic
Our 5th graders had an extra special time at Science Camp this year because it snowed!!#sciencecamp #snow #thousandpines #bethanyschristianschool
We had a fantastic Open House tonight. Thanks to everyone who joined us and great job to our students and teachers. It was fun to see all your amazing projects! #openhouse #studentsuccess #bethanychristianschool #sierramadre
Come check out our Book Fair during Open House tomorrow or any day this week. We have lots of great titles! #bookfair #openhouse #greatbooks #welovetoread #bethanychristianschool #sierramadre
Pi Day! Thank you to all our parents who did STEM demonstrations and brought pies. We had a great day! #piday #stem #pi #pie #bethanychristianschool #sierramadre
Thank you Mrs Mercado for teaching our 4th graders about Haiti and bringing us delicious Haitian food! #haiti #haitianfood #socialstudies #bethanychristianschool #sierramadre
Huzzah! Our 7th and 8th graders enjoyed a visit to Medieval Times! #medievaltimes #bethanychristianschool #sierramadrecalifornia