Please join us in welcoming our new staff members for the 22-23 school year: Joshua Tadian (PE/After School Sports), Lisette Arias (Kindergarten), Rica Rudio (Art), and Viktoriia Tomilon (Preschool). We are glad you are here! #newstaffshoutout #newstaff #physicaleducationteacher #kindergartenteacher #artteacher #prechoolteacher #bethanychristianschool #sierramadre
Starting out the school year right with family prayer at our Opening Convocation! It was great to see everyone, meet the teachers, and dedicate the school year to God! #openingconvocation #prayer #bethanychristianschool #sierramadre
See you soon! Preschool starts Tuesday, August 23 and K-8 starts Wednesday August 24! #backtoschool2022 #bethanychristianschool #sierramadre
Congratulations, Class of 2022! We pray God’s blessings over you as you head to high school this fall! #graduation2022 #headingtohighschool #bethanychristianschool #sierramadre
We celebrated out last day of the school year with an All School Promotion Chapel, parties and yearbook signing! Have a great summer BCS Lions and we’ll see you in the fall! #schoolsoutforsummer #bethanychristianschool #sierramadre
Fifth Grade Promotion Day! Our fifth graders have all officially been promoted to Middle School. Well done! #promotionday #fifthgradepromotion #middleschool #bethanychristianschool #sierramadre
Talent Show 2022! What a talented group of students we have! #talentshow #piano #violin #choir #rubikscube #dance #voice #bethanychristianschool #sierramadre
What a special Evening of Honor during which we appreciated all members of our community, giving special thanks to our retiring principal Dr. Walner who passed the baton to our new head of school Jonathan Hawes! #eveningofhonor #passingthebaton #givingthanks #bethanychristianschool #sierramadre
Decade Day at Bethany Christian School! What’s your favorite fashion decade? #decadeday #decadefashion #bethanychristianschool #sierramadre
Huzzah! Our 5th graders put on a fantastic Colonial Tea for their parents and guests culminating in a traditional minuet for the whole school! #colinialtimes #livinghistory #minuet #bethanychristianschool #sierramadre #dance
We observed the National Day of Prayer with a special chapel focused on praying for our nation. #nationaldayofprayer #bethanychristianschool #sierramadre
Shout out to our wonderful PTF for putting together this amazing spread for Teacher Appreciation Week! We feel very loved! ❤️#teacherappreciationweek #teacherappreciation2022 #bethanychristianschool
Mark your calendars with the new date for our spring musical! Thursday, May 5th, 6pm (doors open at 5). Free and open to the public! #springmusical #bethanychristianschool
Congratulations to Sebastian Anghelina, our Bethany Science Fair Champion, for his project “Can I Integrate an UltraViolet Light into a Light Switch?” Congratulations to all our winners whose projects will compete in the district-wide ASCI Science Fair in May. #sciencefair #stem #champion #winner #scienceisfun #bethanychristianschool #sierramadre
Our 1st and 2nd graders all entered the Sierra Madre Library bookmark contest and our students Dylan and and Stella both won 2nd place! Congratulations, Stella and Dylan! #sierramadrelibrary #sierramadrelittleleague #bethanychristianschool #bookmarks
Happy Pi Day! We had a STEAM focused celebration. #piday2022 #piday #steam #bethanychristianschool
Our 5th and 6th graders arrived at science camp yesterday and have been enjoying hiking, archery, learning about survival skills, camp fire, skits and much more! #thousandpinessciencecamp #bethanychristianschool
Our 1st and 2nd graders wrote and published a book! #youngwriters #published #bethanychristianschool
Happy Dr. Seuss Day! #drsuess #drsuessday #drsuessday2022
4th grade egg drop engineering challenge! #stem #futureengineers #eggdrop #bethanychristianschool