Our students final full day on the East Coast included visiting Capitol Hill, the Supreme Court, the Library of Congress and Arlington Cemetery. Four of our students were selected for the wreath laying ceremony. Swipe to end to see the video! #capitolhill #supremecourt #libraryofcongress #arlingtoncemetery #tomboftheunknownsoldier
Bethany East Coast Tour Day 5. Our students visited St John’s Church, the Smithsonian, the Spy Museum, the Vietnam War Memorial, the Lincoln Memorial, and several other monuments. Full day! #washingtondc #smithsonian #spymuseum #vietnamwarmemorial
Bethany East Coast Trip Day 4. Today our 7th and 8th graders visited Mount Vernon, the Ford Theater and a number of Washington DC monuments! #mountvernon #fordtheater #washingtondc #bethanychristianschool
Bethany East Coast Trip Day 3 included a visit to an Amish community and to Gettysburg. #amishcountry #gettysburg #eastcoasttrip #bethanychristianschool
Bethany East Coast Tour Day 2 included the Liberty Bell, the National Constitution Center and Valley Forge! #libertybell #nationalconstitutioncenter #valleyforge #bethanychristianschool
Our 7th and 8th graders had a wonderful day touring Philadelphia including Independence Hall and the home of Betsy Ross. #eastcoasttour2022 #philadelphia #betsyross #bethanychristianschool
Our fifth graders had a parade of states, making mini “floats” to display their research on their state of choice. #statefloats #paradeofstates #geography #bethanychristianschool
We have been celebrating Chinese New Year. Here are some of the fun activities our students have done! #chinesenewyear2022 #yearofthetiger #bethanychristianschool #sierramadre
Our social media focus as we begin semester two is how we live out our mission statement the foundation of which is loving GOD with all our heart and mind and soul and strength. #missionstatement #bethanychristianschool #sierramadre
Our social media focus as we begin semester two is how we live out our mission statement, at the very center of which is STUDENTS!
Our social media focus as we begin semester two is how we live out our mission statement which begins with PARENTS!
Our adorable preschool Christmas pageant! Great job, everyone!! #christmaspageant #preschool #sierramadres #bcslions #bethanychristianschool
What a wonderful Grandparents Day we had at Bethany today! Thanks to all the grandparents and special friends who came from near and far to visit us today. ❤️ #grandparentsday #grandparentsarethebest #bcslions #sierramadre
Today we honored our local veterans with a special Veteran’s Day chapel. Thank you to all veterans for your service. Special shout out to Blair High School ROTC for providing a color guard for our chapel! #veteransday2021 #veteransdaychapel #blairhighschool #blairrotc #sierramadre #bethanychristianschool
It’s Operation Christmas Child time at Bethany Christian School! This is an opportunity to bless children and share the love of Christ around the world. #operationchristmaschild #bethanychristianschool #sierramadre #bcslions
Our preschoolers had a fun Harvest Party complete with a farm photo booth!
Our Bethany kindergartners got to learn all about fire safety. Maybe we have some future fire fighters amongst our kindergartners! A big thank you to the Sierra Madre Fire Station for their hospitality and help educating our students! #sierramadrefiredepartment #cityofsierramadre #bethanychristianschool #fieldtrip #firestation
It’s pumpkin time in Mrs Guzman’s classroom! What is your favorite thing about fall? 🍁 #pumpkins #bethanychristianschool #fallfun2021
Enjoy some cheerful art this day brought to your by our Bethany students! #art #celebrateart #christianschool #sierramadre
Have seen our scarecrows? We are excited to participate in the Sierra Madre Creative Arts Group 10th annual Scarecrow Festival. Kudos to our 1st and 2nd graders who helped make them! #scarecrowfesitval #creativeartsgroup_sierramadre #bethanychristianschool #townspirit